Welcome, 1Ls!
The first day of your law school career has begun! From your first Legal Research and Writing assignment to your final seminar paper, the Law Library is here to support you. To help you get acquainted with the many library services and spaces available for law students, we’ve just revamped our “Legal Research for Law Students” guide. The new guide includes several pages especially useful for 1Ls – the “1Ls’ Essential Library Guide,” “Help with LR&W,” and “Study Aids & Exam Prep.”
Particularly helpful information for 1Ls includes:
- FAQs especially for 1Ls
- links to our online interactive map
- how to use our Student Delivery Service (SDS) for delivery of books available at U.Va.’s other libraries
- how and when to reserve a Group Study Room
- how to access databases from off-Grounds
- how to get research help
- where in the library to study, relax, check out DVDs, and find free coffee
The Law Library staff looks forward to getting to know you over the next three years. Please let us know how we can help you!
– The Library Staff