After several years of effort, the Legal Data Lab has helped Professor Brandon Garrett launch a new platform for the exploration of federal corporate prosecutions. The website, Corporate Prosecution Registry, is an actively maintained, continuously updated database with over 3,000 entries. The data has been well-received in the past, and our hope is that a new interface designed with users in mind will be useful for scholars, attorneys, and the public for years to come.
The new site combines two sites—one on corporate plea agreements, the other on prosecution agreements—into one. This single site for research makes it easier for users to access and explore a wide range of information regarding federal corporate prosecutions. The site includes all the supporting documents (dockets, agreements, press releases, etc.) used to create the database, as well as options to download all the data we’ve collected in either CSV or Excel formats. We’ve worked with countless datasets over the years and are glad to be able to give something back.
Going forward, we plan to add more visualizations and/or dashboards to the site and are actively testing various R and Python packages. If there are features you wish to see incorporated in the site, feel free to drop us a line at