To new students arriving for orientation: Welcome! The Law Library staff looks forward to working with you throughout your law school career. From personalized research consultations to exam-time grilled cheese breaks, the library offers services to make your time at UVA more enriching, efficient, and enjoyable. This post describes some key resources that will help you hit the ground running.
Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law Accounts
The Law Library provides you with access to Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law, three leading legal research databases. You can create your accounts here: Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg. Registration codes are available on this LawWeb page. Please email us at with any questions.
News Subscriptions
As a UVA law student, you’ll receive free access to the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the Financial Times. Learn how to sign up for newspaper subscriptions on LawWeb under Other Services >> Library Services >> News Access.
Service Desks
There are two service desks in the Law Library: the Circulation Desk and the Reference Desk.
Here are some things you can do at the Circulation Desk:
- Check out books.
- Check out other items, like book stands, phone chargers, and flash drives.
- Get help using our online catalog, VIRGO.
- Resolve issues with your library account (overdue books, etc.).
The Reference Desk is a place to get research assistance. Here are some things you might ask:
- What is a good starting point for my research?
- Is there a more efficient way to do my research?
- How can I access an article that I want to read?
- How do I cite this source in Bluebook format?
- How do I use VIRGO? (Yes, you can ask at either desk!)
- I’m stuck. Help! (No, you don’t need a fully formed question to come chat with a reference librarian!)
If you’re unsure which desk to visit, just ask a library team member and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Email us!
For help with your research, including any of the questions listed above, you can email a research librarian at No question is too big or too small!
LR&W Help
Not sure how to tackle your Legal Research & Writing assignment? The Law Library is here to help! Each section of LR&W has a dedicated librarian—or “Library Liaison”—to help students get comfortable with legal research methods. Once classes start, your LR&W instructor will provide more information about meeting with a Library Liaison. For additional research tips, check out this guide to legal research for law students.
Reserve Materials
Some materials in our collection have been placed “on reserve,” which means that they can be checked out for three hours at a time. Study guides, some textbooks, and popular legal treatises are likely to be held on reserve so that more students will have an opportunity to use them. (We only place course materials on reserve if your professor specifically asks us to do so.) You can find these materials in the Klaus Reading Room near the first-floor circulation desk.
Guide to Student Services
As your studies progress, we hope that you’ll find the Law Library to be a valuable partner in your academic efforts. You can learn more about the library’s offerings in this guide to student services. And remember, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact a staff member!
Once again, a warm welcome to all incoming students!