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Letter of Clement Haynsworth to Ronald Sokol, November 19, 1965

United States Court of Appeals
Fourth Judicial Circuit

November 19, 1965


Mr. Ronald P. Sokol
Director, Appellate Legal Aid
School of Law, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

Dear Mr. Sokol:

It is with real regret that I received your letter
of yesterday, informing me of your resignation at the end of
January from your position as Director of the Appellate Legal
Aid program.

As I have said to you and to many others on numerous
occasions, this program has been of incalculable value to the
Court and to those individuals whose cases have been assigned
to you. You personally have splendidly performed your role of
advocate, while remaining staunchly true to your obligations
as an officer of the court. We are looking forward with
particular pleasure to your assistance as amicus in the development
of the Escobedo problem which is to be heard in January.

The other members of my Court share my regret on
your prospective departure. We will miss you, the more so
because I cannot imagine that your considerable learning
and great talents in the field of postconviction proceedings
in the United States can be usefully employed in Europe,
though I am sure your family’s affairs there are compelling.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Dean Dillard,
so that he may know of our great hope that the program, which
has been launched so successfully under your direction, will
be continued.

We will look forward to seeing you in January.


[handwritten signature]

cc: Circuit Judges
Dean Dillard
Mr. Maurice S. Dean

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