Sokol Law Offices
14, rue Principale
13540 Puyricard
Professor Daniel J. Meador
James Monroe Professor of Law
University of Virginia
School of Law
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-1789
Monday, January 17, 2000
Dear Dan,
I have in front of me your Christmas letters from 1998 and 1999 and your last letter of
November 9th. My Millennium Wish is to catch up. I suppose one does that in the next
life or in our next reincarnation. I am not optimistic about doing so in this one.
Please accept our best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
I shall be very happy to meet Bert Steindorf. Please tell him to phone me when he arrives,
if he has not already done so. I see from your letter that he is due here in mid-January, so
he may in fact already be here.
I apologize for this very short letter, but I am struggling to remain abreast of work which
seems to increase yearly. We are all well and thriving and hope it is the same for you and
your family.
[RS(?) (handwritten)]
Ronald P. Sokol
Tél. 33-04-42-92-08-20 Fax: 33-04-42-92-14-51
C:\My Documents\Lawyers Correspondence\Meador, Daniel J. May 11, 1999.doc
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