Sokol Law Offices Ronald P. Sokol
Aix-en-Provence Attorney-at-Law
France Avocat à la Cour
Tuesday, 06 February, 1996
Dear Dan,
This is not a proper reply to your letter which came yesterday, but just a note to let you
know that I leave the day after tomorrow for Cambodia where I expect to stay about three
weeks working on the court-training project. I am very much looking forward to it and
appreciate your recommending me. I was a bit concerned about the security, but I have
been reassured that I shall be kept away from landmines and war zones. If I can safely
dodge the malarial mosquitos, I am expecting it to be a very interesting experience which
will give me new perspectives on practicing in France.
I read Schwarzschild’s article last night on the English bar as the subject is of much
interest to me, as you might well imagine, with three sons still in public school. I thought it
was a very good article, well balanced, and very close to the mark. The Inns of Court are
the ultimate ivory tower. A child who is sent away to an English prep school at age 6
(mine went for a year at 8 and then returned permanently at age 11), then goes on to a
public school, then to Oxford or Cambridge and then to the English bar has lived in a
cocoon. Most of the time it is a wonderful cocoon, so much so that I am hoping to get one
of mine tempted that way, but it remains an ivory tower isolated from the “real world”.
From what I have seen, he has gotten the class aspect of the bar about right.
I shall write more at length after I have returned from Cambodia. I appreciate the
reference to Gunther’s biography, and I shall order it.
Sincerely yours,
[handwritten signature]
Ronald P. Sokol
14, rue Principale
B.P. 3 Tel: (33) 42-92-08-20
13540 Puyricard, France Fax: (33) 42-92-14-51